
What are the different Steps of a compiler?

The  compiler  operates in various stages, and each stage converts the source program from one representation to another. There are  6 steps(phases)  in a compiler. Each step (phases) helps to convert high level to machine code. Lexical Analysis Syntax Analysis Semantic Analysis Intermediate Code Generator Code Optimizer Code generator If you want to learn all 6 phases of the compiler I gave you a link and check out this link - Phases of Compiler with Example What are the Phases of Compiler Design? Compiler operates in various phases each phase transforms the source program from one representation to another. Every phase takes inputs from its previous stage and feeds its output to the next phase of the compiler. There are 6 phases in a compiler. Each of this phase help in converting the high-level langue the machine code. The phases of a compiler are: Lexical analysis Syntax analysis Semantic analysis Intermediate code generator Code optimizer Code generator Phases o...

How do I define a structure in C?

What is Structure:  The structure is a user-defined data type that allows storing multiple types of data in a single unit. It occupies the sum of the memory of all members. The structure member can be accessed only through the structure variable.  Structure variables accessing the same structure but the memory allocated for each variable will be different. Defining a Structure:  The   Struct keyword is used to define a structure. Syntax of Structure:  Struct Structure_name   {   mebmer_variable1;   mebmer_variable2;   mebmer_variable3;   .   .   .   .   member_variable n;   }[structure variables];              Let's see a simple example:   #include<stdio.h>   Struct students   {   char name[50]; // Structure members declaration.   int age;   }S1; // declaring structure variable of student.   int main()   { ...

How do I make the whole string a list element?

In this topic, we will discuss how to convert the whole string into a list element Python . what is a list: A list  is used to store multiple items in a single variable. in the list, the elements are present inside the square brackets. Syntax: list = [“shubham”,”avanish”,” Ashish”] What is a string:  A string is a sequence of characters. A string in python is surrounded by either a single quote or double quote Syntax :  str =  “ this is shubham ”  or  ‘  this is shubham  ’ To Make the whole string a list element : you can easily convert the string into a list. let see an example of it how can we make the whole string a list element. The output of the following code is :

What is the type of C

What is C: C  is a general-purpose programming language. It is used to developing operating systems UNIX, databases, etc.  C  was developed by  Dennis Ritchie in the 1970s . It is a good programming language for the beginner. Data type:   Data types are defined as the data storage format that a variable that can store the data and perform a specific task or operation. Type of C language:   There are  two  types of C language 1. Primary data type:  These are a fundamental primary data type that is Int, char, float, double. Int data type : It allows a variable to store numeric values. “ int ” keyword is used for an integer variable. Ex: int a = 1000; Char data type:  It allows a variable to store only one character. “char” keyword is used for the character variable. Ex: char = ‘A’; Float and double data type: Both are used for storing decimal values. but double data type which allows up to 10 digits after the decimal. 2. Derived data ty...

How do I reverse an array in Python?

                                                  Reverse an array in python Reverse an array in Python is simple. In python there is various method to reverse an array that is slicing method, using the reverse method, using the reversed method, etc. 1.  Using Slicing method in python 3 : arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] print(“the original array is :” , arr); rev = arr[::-1] print(“the reverse an array is :”rev); 2.  Using Reverse method: arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] arr.reverse() print(“the reverse an array is :”,arr); 3.   Using Reversed method: arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6] res = list(reversed(arr)) print(“the reverse an array is :”,res); Note: indentation is more important in python without indentation it will give you an error that is indentation array.

How do you use a remove function in Python?

What is python :  Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented programming language. it was developed by   Guido Van Rossum in the 1980s . It is a simple programming language compare to other programming languages. Most of the syntax is in build in python. Remove() Method:  The  remove() method  removes or deletes the first matching element from the list. The remove doesn’t return any value. Syntax:  list.removes(value\element) Let’s see an example of it : 1.  list = [‘shubham’ , ‘Raz’, ‘Jamil’, ‘Ashish’] list. removes(‘raz’) print(“updated list is:” list) 2. Remove the element but the list have a duplicate element . list= [1,2,3,4,2,3,4] list.remove(2) print(‘updated list is:’, list) in this example, I want to remove 2 from the list but it removes the first matching element. 3. If you want to   Remove the element but the element doesn’t exist in the list. so, the compiler gives an error that is a value error because the element is not...

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