How do you use a remove function in Python?

What is pythonPython is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented programming language. it was developed by Guido Van Rossum in the 1980s. It is a simple programming language compare to other programming languages. Most of the syntax is in build in python.

Remove() Method: The remove() method removes or deletes the first matching element from the list. The remove doesn’t return any value.

Syntax: list.removes(value\element)

Let’s see an example of it :

1. list = [‘shubham’ , ‘Raz’, ‘Jamil’, ‘Ashish’]

list. removes(‘raz’)

print(“updated list is:” list)

2. Remove the element but the list have a duplicate element.

list= [1,2,3,4,2,3,4]


print(‘updated list is:’, list)

in this example, I want to remove 2 from the list but it removes the first matching element.

3.If you want to Remove the element but the element doesn’t exist in the list. so, the compiler gives an error that is a value error because the element is not present in the given list.


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