C program to print the triangular pattern by using one loop

Given a number n, print triangular pattern. We are allowed to use only one loop.


Input: 7
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We use a single for-loop and in the loop, we maintain two variables for line count and current star count. If the current star count is less than the current line count, we print a star and continue. Else we print a new line and increment line count.  

// C++ program to print a pattern using single
// loop and continue statement
using namespace std;

// printPattern function to print pattern
void printPattern(int n)
	// Variable initialization
	int line_no = 1; // Line count

	// Loop to print desired pattern
	int curr_star = 0;
	for (int line_no = 1; line_no <= n; )
		// If current star count is less than
		// current line number
		if (curr_star < line_no)
		cout << "* ";

		// Else time to print a new line
		if (curr_star == line_no)
		cout << "\n";
		curr_star = 0;

// Driver code
int main()
	return 0;


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