How do you remove brackets and quotes from a list in Python?

 There are various methods to remove brackets and quotes from a list in python.

Using * operator

The * administrator in Python can be utilized to unload objects. It unloads every one of the components from a rundown and prints it without the square brackets and quotation as displayed underneath.

list = ['shubham','anurag','ankit','pravin']

print(*lst, sep = ',')



We separate the elements using the character specified in the sep parameter and can be removed if desired.

Using str function


  1. In this method, we convert a list to a string using the str() function
  2. then remove the first and last characters from this string that are the square brackets and quotes.

list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9]

list_str = str(list)[1:-1]



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9





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