Can you explain me what is python and its main purpose in simple words?

 What is python: 

                                       Python is a popular programming language and it was created by Guido Van  Rossum in 1991. Python is a simple programming language compared to other programming languages. The syntax of python is easy. python used modules and packages which means code reuse. In python number of codes is less compared to other programming languages. it very easy and simple and less line of code as compared to other languages.

The main purpose of python: 

                                                          The main purpose of python is for simple code, developing both desktop and web applications. It is commonly used as a "scripting language" for web applications. This means that it can automatically perform a specific series of tasks, making it more efficient. Therefore, Python (and similar languages) is often used in software applications, pages in web browsers, operating system shells, and certain games. It is used in the backend.

Python is mainly used for data science purposes. In most cases, it is a scripting language. If you choose .data science as your career, you need to be proficient in python


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