
Showing posts from March, 2021

How do I reverse an array in C?

                                            How can we do reverse an array in C   Logic to print array in reverse order: Take the num and element of the array variable from the user. Take I variable for looping. Run the for loop from  I=num-1 to I >=0  and decrement the value of  I. print the array element that is arr[i]. Let’s see an example of it:         #include<stdio.h>   int main()   {   int num , arr[num] , i;   printf("Enter the size of an array:");   scanf("%d",&num);   for(i=0;i<num;i++)   {   scanf("%d",&arr[i]);   }   printf("Reverse of an array of the element:");   for(i = num-1; i >= 0; i--)   {   printf("%d\n",arr[i]);   }   return 0;   }  

What is %o in printf function in the C programming language?

We use a  printf  function with  %o  format specifier to display the value of an  octal variable. %o -  It is used for calculating octal value. Ex: #include<stdio.h>   int main()   {   int i = 150;   printf("Octal value is: %o",i);   return 0;   }   In the C programming language, there are various format specifier is  present. %d -> It is used for the integer value. %c -> It is used for the character value. %f ->  It is used for the floating value. %s -> It is used for string value.

How do I check duplicate elements present in an array?

  In Python   It is a simple program, Let see step by step. Steps:      Firstly initialize a list1 with the duplicate elements. initialize an empty list2. Take a for loop for list1. check if the list1 element is not in list2 then append the element of list1 into list2.     Let’s See an example of it:        # Using naive method   list1=[1,2,3,1,3,4,5,6,7,3,4,6,7]   print("original list is: " +str(list1))   list2=[]   for i in list1:   if i not in list2:   list2.append(i)   print ("list after removing duplicates element is : " + str(list2))     # Using list comprehension method     list1=[1,2,3,1,3,4,5,6,7,3,4,6,7]   print("original list is: " +str(list1))   list2=[]   [list2.append(i) for i in list1 if i not in list2]   print("list after removing duplicates element is: " + str(list2))   Check my Quora Id where I have already discussed this q...

How do I write a fraction in HTML codes?

How do we write a fraction in HTML codes? if you want to write a fraction code in HTML then you can write a fraction code using  span tag  and  subtag. Inside the span tag, you can write which number you want to display on the browser. And, Add  <sub></sub>   code for  numerator  and  <sub></sub>  code for the  denominator . Let's see the code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>this is title</title> </head> <body> <div class="frac"> <span>1</span> <span class="symbol">/</span> <span class="bottom">2</span> </div> </body> </html> Using <sub></sub> tag: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>this is title</title> </head> <body> <div class="frac"> <span class="frac"><sup>12</sup><span>/</span><sub>256</sub>...

How does assistance in the complete CDR report writing work?

Your   CDR  opens the door to a successful business in  Australia . Ideally, you should not take any risks for this and endanger this wonderful opportunity in order to have a bright future in the new world. Therefore, it is very important that you should do your best to write the  CDR  yourself, but still, have a professional review it. Or, hire top experts to provide comprehensive assistance for  CDR writing. In the former, you will handle  all three parts  of the   CDR  yourself and submit them to the professional  CDR writers and engineers of  CDRReport for review . After their review, the team will share a detailed assessment with you, highlighting areas for improvement. In the latter, you share the CDR writing requirements with experts, and they will handle the entire report for you. In this case, the author will have a detailed discussion with you to understand the necessary documents and evidence to verify your claims a...

Programming shark & CDR report backlink data index 22

Programming shark & CDR report backlink data index 21[csuccess]=true#feedback https://www.c...

Which is the language type of C?

What is C:  C   is a general-purpose, procedural programming language. It was developed by American computer scientist Dennis Ritchie. Data type:  Data types are defined as the data storage format that a variable that can store the data and perform a specific task or operation. Type of C language:   There are  two  types of C language 1. Primary data type:  These are a fundamental primary data type that is Int, char, float, double. Int data type: It allows a variable to store numeric values. “int” keyword is used for an integer variable.         Ex: int a = 1000; Char data type:  It allows a variable to store only one character. “char” keyword is used for the character variable.           Ex: char = ‘A’; Float and double data type: Both are used for storing decimal values.   but double data type which allows up to 10 digits after the decimal .          Ex: float a =12.45 2...

Can you explain me what is python and its main purpose in simple words?

  What is python:                                         Python  is a popular programming language and it was created by  Guido Van  Rossum in 1991.  Python is a simple programming language compared to other programming languages. The syntax of python is easy. python used modules and packages which means code reuse. In python number of codes is less compared to other programming languages.  it very easy and simple and less line of code as compared to other languages. The main purpose of python:                                                            T he main purpose of python is for  simple code, developing both desktop and web applications . It is commonly used as a  "scripting language" ...